Deep in the Peruvian upper Amazon, Delfin Amazon Cruises’s, the Delfin I, Delfin II & and Delfin III, luxury vessels will take you into the world largest protected flooded forests, the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. Whether for a 5 days or 4 days programme, experienced guides will show you the immense biodiversity found in the area. In this bird watching haven, be ready to encounter the Howler Monkey, White Cayman, Iguanas, Sloths, and other rare species that can be viewed during the daily excursions. Voyages also include visits to native villages where friendly ribereños will welcome you in, try Kayaking in a remote lagoon, swim near pink river dolphins, fish, paddle board, enjoy daytime hiking and night safaris in the rain forest. On board, guests can enjoy exquisite Amazonian-Peruvian cuisine and relax in luxury & comfort.